Civic Service's and Mayor Making attended in May

On 14th May I was invited to attend the Civic Service for the Chairman of the Llandough Communtiy Council Cllr Andrew Wiggins.
On 19th May I was invited to attend the Mayor making Service for the newly appointed Mayor Of Cowbridge Cllr Linda Adams
The Mayor Making takes plave at the AGM of the Council and the Civic Service takes place at a later date, This is when the Chains of office are blessed by the Church.
Who participates in Mayor Making ?
In addition to the out-going and in-coming Mayors and those Town Councillors able to be present, the following people will also normally participate in the Mayor Making ceremony:
Honorary Recorder:
An office of dignity, the holder is normally a Circuit Judge with some connection to Dover; the Honorary Recorder enjoys precedence in Dover next after the Town Mayor; note the tradition of carrying a nosegay or posy at Mayor Making – the Honorary Recorder will present it to the Mayor after the ceremony;
Honorary Chaplain:
Appointed at each Mayor Making by the new Mayor, the office holder will carry out civic services and similar duties during the year;
Town Clerk:
The paid “Proper Officer” of the Town Council, equivalent to the Chief Executive; also a very ancient office with the earliest recorded reference in the Holy Bible (Acts of the Apostles 19 verse 35); the Dover Town Clerk traditionally wears the wig and gown when the Mayor is robed;
The Town Council’s paid “Responsible Financial Officer”; the office holder traditionally attends all ceremonies such as Mayor Making;
Town Sergeant:
Fulfils several roles, including Mayor’s Attendant, Mace Bearer, Master of Ceremonies and Mayor’s Chauffeur; the paid office holder will always be present when the Mayor wears the chain of office;
Mayor’s Cadet:
Appointed annually, the Mayor’s Cadet accompanies the Town Mayor at various ceremonies and civic functions.
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