The Jamie Adamson Memorial Fund SUMMER BALL 2006

I was invited to attend and support the Jamie Adamson Memorial Summer Ball. Which was supported by the armed forces and Local dignitaries. I was honored to attend this event which was a most enjoyable night and meet some wonderful people..
Here is Jamies Story
Jamie was a little boy who faced a great deal of trauma in his short life. At just three years old he was diagnosed with Acute Lymphoblastic Lueukaemia (ALL). As parents, we were shocked to learn that the treatment for this was to be continuous chemotherapy on a daily basis over a three year period. Chemotherapy can be administered in various forms, by injection, intravenously and orally. Jamie's treatment involved the insertion of a "portocath" this is basically a line inserted surgically below the armpit which then is pushed upwards and inserted into the jugular vein and then down into the heart. This has to stay in place for the duration of the treatment as there is a large amount of intravenous medication placed through it.
As parents, we felt completely helpless as we watched our little boy suffer through his treatment. Many surgical procedures became the norm, including lumbar punctures and bone marrow biopsies (taken from the spine and hip joints). Hair loss is a common and well known side effect of the drugs administered but Jamie also suffered from severe leg and joint pains and ulceration of the mouth and the stomach, both of which are common.
Some children also have to endure severe, uncrontrollable mood swings and hunger cravings which are induced by high dosage steroids used to combat the effects of chemotherapy. When you see your young child going through all this it breaks your heart, often we would have to sign for procedures we knew were going to be painful for Jamie, but were our only option.
Sadly, on December 20th 2003, the doctors who were treating Jamie told us what we already suspected, that Jamie's cancer had returned despite him still receiving chemotherapy.
On Christmas day (which was Jamie's fifth birthday) we were transferred from Llandough hospital to high dependency at University Hospital Wales, as Jamie was suffering heart failure due to the drugs he was now having to take to combat his illness.
Jamie fought on with typical tenacity as he had done for the two years he had undergone treatment, but sadly on the 13th January 2004 he suffered a seizure and slipped into a coma. The doctors told us that he contracted meningitis as a result of having a severely depleted immune system, and Jamie passed away in my wife’s arms on 20th January 2004 back at Llandough hospital.
It isn’t easy relaying these events, but after initially falling to pieces, and being supported by my wife and older son Sam (who has been amazing even though he is grieving the loss of his younger brother) I decided it should not be for nothing that Jamie passed away..... The Jam Fund..
To that end the Jam Fund was established. Our aim is to raise as much as possible to help children in Wales and throughout the UK who are suffering from this awful illness. In the first twelve months, thanks entirely to the generosity of the public, we managed to raise £43,000. The total now (May 2006) stands at £47,500. We have already donated £30,000 of this, fifteen to each of two charities we support – LATCH (based at the children’s hospital for Wales) and CHILDREN WITH LEUKAEMIA (based at Great Ormond Street London) This leaves us with a little over £17,000 and we hope to reach £40,000 again this year which we will use to purchase a top level static caravan holiday home. This will be named “The Jamie Adamson Caravan” and sited in the Tenby area of West Wales. We hope to offer this facility free of charge to children who are suffering from cancer in Wales (and their families) and also to bereaved families
Taken from were donations can be made
I would like to thank Russell for attending our event and posting our website here in his blog section. The evening was a great sucess and has enabled our charity to raise much needed funds towards this year's goal a static caravan holiday home costing £30,000 to be used by children in Wales who are suffering from cancer. I am pleased to tell you that as a charity we have just recently sent off the deposit for this, which we should now take delivery of in March 2007 ready for the new holiday season. Many children and their families will benefit from this facility and we hope that the loss of our own little boy will at least help others like him. We still need funds to come in and as a newly registered charity (number 1115913) we hope to build upon the £55,000 we have raised in the first 18mnths of our existence. Our next large event is the Cardiff Marathon to be held on 15th October 2006 where we have a team of 64 runners representing us.(Over half of these are members of staff at Barry Comprehensive school.)Incidentally, this school raised the magnificent sum of £15,000 last year for our charity!
thank you
Paul Adamson.
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